Planet Babergh – Car Parking Charges

There is nothing a Lib Dem likes more than a deficit in spending. It gives them an opportunity to pick the residents’ pockets and impose their will on the electorate regardless of the damage caused to the communities. The deficit in Babergh’s current budget is to be partially filled by the imposition of higher parking charges from Hadleigh, Sudbury, Lavenham and possibly others. The deficit to the end of March is forecast to be £1.5 million (Dave Busby, Leader of Babergh, EADT December 18th). The cost of parking is said to be £425,000. Thus, just under a third of the Babergh deficit will be covered by the motorist. But wait. £425,000 a year is £38,000 a month which is an awful lot of money for lorryloads of cheap asphalt, white lines and ticket machines.
Where is the prudent management we need? Who is responsible for the £1.5 million overspend? And why is the first reaction to increase taxes?
All expenditure should be reviewed. All staff recruitment should be reviewed and as appropriate deferred. All salary increases and councillor allowances (above the basic) should be withheld.
Then we shall see who have the residents’ needs at heart and who is interested in just feathering their nests.
A petition against car parking charges can be found on
This blog/post is the sole responsibility of its author Brian Riley.
It has not been approved nor is it endorsed by Babergh District Council or South Suffolk Conservative Association

Meanwhile on Planet Babergh –  Political Assistants for all?

There are days when we all have “would you believe it?” moments. The key skill is that one’s reaction should be just below that which irritates the family beyond measure. You only have to be a regular reader of the EADT to be glad that you are not a close family member of some of the regular Europhile correspondents. 
One such WYBI moment was when I became aware that Babergh-Midsuffolk are advertising for a political assistant to support the new Green Party administration at an exciting time for Mid Suffolk District Council. 
Now in the normal course of events I have only a brief interest in what Mid Suffolk Greens are up to. But, as Mid Suffolk and Babergh’s expenses tend to be shared I get concerned that we might be paying for this extravagance. So, I put the following question down for answering at the Council meeting on the 21st November.
Would you kindly confirm that: 
No costs for this post will fall upon the taxpayers and residents of Babergh District Council and that any recruitment by Babergh District Council for a similar post will come to full council for approval prior to the post being advertised. 
You’d have thought that the answers would be simple and that this could be an exercise in discovering something right and reasonable for a change. But, no! The matter was referred the Political Leaders’ Group who rejected the question. 
Discreet enquiries as to the constitutionality of this action caused the question to be reinstated on the Council’s agenda. 
The answers were that the costs of Mid Suffolk’s Political Assistant were for them to fund and that there were no plans for Babergh to have Political Assistants. 
So, what does this mean? 
Why the fuss, if the matter was innocuous? 
Were one or more of Babergh’s coalition groups thinking of having political assistants and didn’t want the matter aired before they were ready? 
Did they change their mind about their perceived needs once the disinfectant of public awareness’ was applied to their ambitions? 
All in all, I think Babergh has dodged the Political Assistant bullet for the time being and the future requires us to be alert to similar future developments. 

This blog/post is the sole responsibility of its author Brian Riley. 
It has not been approved nor is it endorsed by Babergh District Council or South Suffolk Conservative Association 

Meanwhile on Planet Babergh 

`Quite often, it is very difficult to come away from Council Meetings without looking for a wall to bang one’s head against. 
Thus, in October I attended a meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. One of the key areas to look at was the Annual Review of the Joint Homes and Housing Annual Strategy. Lurking at the back of the paper was the delivery plan which included the following new task: 
“Ensure we deliver a quality repairs and planned works service by holding our contractors to account. Making sure they respond to works orders in a timely manner as set out in their contract KPIs and our tenancy agreements.” 
If we are not holding contractors to account already, what are we doing? Ten years ago, I asked after the frequency of checking on housing repair. I was told that Babergh aimed for one contract in three but only managed to check one in six. It now seems that we are not even doing that! I was told that the main problem currently is one of resources. In which case we need a reallocation of resources from writing about work to doing it. 
Meanwhile, The Suffolk County Council Head of Community Safety advised that any additional statutory responsibilities assigned to the (Western Suffolk Community) Partnership would result in increased financial costs (my italics) for recruiting external officers to undertake these duties and that there would be significant risks regarding the capacity of existing Officers to fulfil their standard responsibilities within their own organisations.  
Is this a classic case of crying before you are hurt? What’s wrong with waiting to see what’s coming down the pike? What’s wrong with axing a lesser service priority?  
The principle must be that if something is not worth doing well, then it is not worth doing. But it is easier to raise taxes than it is to be more efficient. `Quite often, it is very difficult to come away from Council Meetings without looking for a wall to bang one’s head against. 
Thus, in October I attended a meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. One of the key areas to look at was the Annual Review of the Joint Homes and Housing Annual Strategy. Lurking at the back of the paper was the delivery plan which included the following new task: 
“Ensure we deliver a quality repairs and planned works service by holding our contractors to account. Making sure they respond to works orders in a timely manner as set out in their contract KPIs and our tenancy agreements.” 
If we are not holding contractors to account already, what are we doing? Ten years ago, I asked after the frequency of checking on housing repair. I was told that Babergh aimed for one contract in three but only managed to check one in six. It now seems that we are not even doing that! I was told that the main problem currently is one of resources. In which case we need a reallocation of resources from writing about work to doing it. 
Meanwhile, The Suffolk County Council Head of Community Safety advised that any additional statutory responsibilities assigned to the (Western Suffolk Community) Partnership would result in increased financial costs (my italics) for recruiting external officers to undertake these duties and that there would be significant risks regarding the capacity of existing Officers to fulfil their standard responsibilities within their own organisations.  
Is this a classic case of crying before you are hurt? What’s wrong with waiting to see what’s coming down the pike? What’s wrong with axing a lesser service priority?  
The principle must be that if something is not worth doing well, then it is not worth doing. But it is easier to raise taxes than it is to be more efficient. 

This blog/post is the sole responsibility of its author Brian Riley.
It has not been approved nor is it endorsed by Babergh District Council or South Suffolk Conservative Association

Deputy Leaders’ Allowances

Often, District and County Council meetings test one’s boredom level as the meetings are often a formality and decision making is often pushed to the side. So it was on Tuesday when Babergh Councillors were asked to note the Council’s Annual Treasury Management Report and the progress and strategy of CIFCO (the Council’s property company). Although the papers presented to us were for noting rather than approval there was some lively questioning
About an hour and a half into the meeting we sat down to look at a paper for approval bearing the seemingly innocuous title “BC/23/17 Recommendation from the Independent Review Panel”.
This paper suggested that as we now had two Deputy Leaders (one a legal requirement) and the other discretionary (depending upon the wishes of the parties concerned), they should both be classified as political and were recommended to receive 1.25 times the basic Councillor’s allowance as a special responsibility allowance for their respective positions.
The paper’s arguments seemed reasonable until the assumptions were tested. The comparative councils with two or more deputy leaders were much larger than Babergh. The range of skills and duties suggested that we would be paying over the odds for a job share programme. Really, this was a ruse to reward political allies.
After much discussion in the chamber, I was pleased to move an amendment to the original proposals and suggest that as this was a job share, each of the deputies should receive half of the suggested allowance.
The voting went to 11 votes for and 11 votes against with 5 abstentions. The Chair exercised her casting vote against the amendment, even though there was a distinct mood that the original suggestions were not acceptable.
We then moved to voting on the substantive motion. 10 voted for and 11 voted against whereupon the original recommendation was lost and the residents won.
Taxpayers should not be paying for vanity projects and this whole exercise demonstrated that although the Conservative Group at Council is small (seven of us) we are not without friends.
The meeting may be viewed on YouTube and the web address is

This blog/post is the sole responsibility of its author Brian Riley.
It has not been approved nor is it endorsed by Babergh District Council or South Suffolk Conservative Association

Beware of the Greens

On Tuesday 18th July I attended a full meeting of Babergh District Council.
We were treated to a report on Greenhouse Gases for the period 2021-22 and the first question of the day was why were we looking at figures fifteen months out of date. I didn’t quite understand the response but I gather that as they hadn’t been reported earlier it was thought that they ought to be before the 2022/2023 report was due. Which prompted the question that as that report was over three months in the making when would we see it? The answer was that we should expect to see it at the September meeting.
We were also treated to a motion by Green member Councillor Jamieson asking us to reiterate the Council’s commitment to making its services carbon neutral by 2030.
I was less than enamoured with the motion and responded that the motion indicated that since July 2019 there had been no improvement in the climate or biodiversity emergencies. What I was unable to understand is why in the last four years there had been no improvement in the situation. What have we been doing? How far have we advanced on our target of being carbon neutral by 2030?
The commitment we were asked to make was without any explanation as to where we were now, how much we have spent, how much we’re going to spend, where we going to spend it and how will it be financed?
The motion lacked coherence or meaningful purpose.
All I could see was an unyet disclosed pathway to pillaging the taxpayers’ pockets to pay for the commitment. Which is why I was unable to support the motion, which was a waste of time, air, and good trees. It was weak, insipid and had no place in the assembly.
If this is the Greens at their best, I dread to think what we can expect during the next four years.

Sproughton & Pinewood Election 2023

I’m very pleased to share the news that on Thursday the 4th of May I was elected to be a district councillor for the two councillor ward of Sproughton and Pinewood,
It was an uphill campaign very much overshadowed by national events. However, there were only twenty two votes between the leader and myself and despite the new requirements for voter identification we had a higher turnout.
The E.A.D.T., published the photo below with the inference that my candidacy and election relied more on luck rather than hard work and general support. But perhaps they also recognise the XVIth Century saying which implies that the harder you work the luckier you get.
Thank you to everyone who assisted, supported and generally gave me encouragement. I look forward to the next four years and hope that if I can be of personal assistance to anyone in my ward then they will not hesitate to contact me on or by phone on 07592 629 328.
Thank you very much once again to everyone who voted.

Disillusioned but Nevertheless True

I had always thought that it was Deng XiaoPing who said that it was too soon to tell whether the French Revolution had been successful.
I’ve since been updated insofar as it was Chou EnLai talking to Richard Nixon in 1972 and the comment referred to the 1968 student demonstrations
Nevertheless, it does illustrate that revolutions tend to have long tails. In modern times we can look at the 1917 Russian revolution and the Irish Civil War of 1922 as illustrative.
Tim Stanley writing in the Daily Telegraph on 31st October under the banner headline that “the Brexit revolution has come to an end” argued that as with France in 1799, the elites are back in control, but Britain has still been changed for the better.
“…why did the Tories elect Liz Truss even though it was obvious six weeks ago, now confirmed, that Rishi would be a far better PM? My theory is that we all subconsciously knew that Sunak spelled the end of the Brexit revolution. Not its reversal but, like Napoleon’s coup of 1799, the defeat of its radical spirit.
Brexit conforms to the four stages of the French Revolution: crisis, contradiction, purification and reaction. In 1789, Louis XVI called an Estates General in his quest to raise cash; in 2016, David Cameron called a referendum to eliminate Euroscepticism. Both backfired. The Estates General demanded a constitutional monarchy and the Brits voted to leave the EU, so Louis fled to Varennes and Dave to his garden shed.
Theresa May now tried to ride two visions of the new order – protectionist and paternalist vs free trade and liberal – and with Parliament fractured, and counter-revolutionaries conspiring, she was unable to get us out of the EU. This necessitated the election of Boris Johnson, the British Georges Danton, a literate rake, a champion of the people. His instincts were small state but, being a populist, was inclined to give the mob what it wanted – hence he marched us out of Europe but also rebranded Tory politics as faux-European. Conservatism became Gaullist: culturally conservative and littered with grands projets.
I liked it, but Boris will be Boris and his regime collapsed in scandal. With the PM forced to retire (Danton took refuge in Acris, Big Dog at the Casa del Campo), we entered our Jacobin phase of ideological intensification. Yes, Liz Truss was our Maximilien Robespierre, and though her utopian vision was far more modest than critics made out, the very idea that we might guillotine the board of the Bank of England triggered a Thermidorian Reaction.
The French decapitated Robespierre and installed a collective leadership till Napoleon took power. In Britain, some faceless men pulled off a coup to install Sunak in four days flat, which was impressive for a country where it can take six months to replace a boiler.
Looking back on the 1790s, many Frenchmen asked what the point of their revolution had been. They killed a king and finished with an emperor.
Yet feudalism was also eliminated, and the French now saw themselves as a nation, with a Left and a Right, both espousing liberties – the rights of the people – they each claimed to be more willing to protect. Here, Britain is out of the EU for good. The greatest testament to the permanence of Brexit is that even the Labour Party accepts it, and is patriotic and critical of free movement (have you noticed how often its MPs are on GB News?). At some point, a Labour government, or a Tory one, may well put us back in the Single Market, for if we are not willing to reform tax and trade on the lines Citizen Truss wanted, then we’ll wind up a stagnating economy trapped behind a tariff wall. And how else do we resolve Northern Ireland?
But even if that came to pass, we have still dodged the bullet of European political integration, re-establishing Britain as an Atlantic-facing nation, global and yet parochial. Sunak, elected in just 2015, is a child of that revolution, even if he doesn’t entirely understand what the founding fathers wanted. I recall seeing him interviewed at the 2019 Tory conference where he was asked to name the best bit of Brexit. The correct answer is “freedom”. He gushed, “Free trade zones!”
I preferred it when Boris reputedly said “F business”. I translated it from the unpardonable French to mean: “Something matters more than making money, and we will not be dictated to by the markets” – which is precisely what has now happened. Rishi will never blaspheme against business. His job is to sell austerity, hiking taxes on the middle class and cutting services for the poor, sugaring the pill by appointing Suella Braverman to the Home Office and Kemi Badenoch to equalities; culture war bribes to the Red Wall sans-culottes.
I’ll be honest: I miss the hope-filled Sturm und Drang of early Brexit, of the sense of forces unleashed and institutions scaled. One could almost hear the glass shattering in Whitehall.
But I have no right to impose an ideological vision on the country, especially when the chief issues now are feeding our people and keeping the lights on (I’m not Greta Thunberg), and I take comfort in what our revolution has achieved.
It has given us greater sovereignty, an empowered parliament, municipal conservatism, controlled legal migration, levelling-up, a renaissance of journalism, books and independent TV. I believe our era will be regarded as a golden age of debate, when, after decades of consensus, real ideas were passionately interrogated and regular citizens elevated to the king and queen of politics.
Like the French in 1799, we are a different society now: Labour stands for the King, the Tories kneel before the voters of Grimsby. Brexit has made Britain a better place.”
But we still voted for Truss and ended up with Sunak. The Conservative Party activists are pondering their futures as members and candidates in next May’s local elections are asking how many Hail Mary’s do they need to win their seats.

Tim Stanley

Liz for Leader

Earlier this month the Conservative Home website showed Liz Truss leading Rishi Sunak by 32% polling 60% membership support versus 28% for Sunak.
So, one must ask why hasn’t Sunak thrown in the towel and conceded that the gap (which has shown no sign of closing) is too big to allow him to achieve a majority of party voters. (Spoiler alert: I voted for Truss).
The answer must be that Sunak has been saying the Hindu equivalent of Hail Marys hoping for a slip up by Truss.
It seemed as though his prayers had been answered, when Truss was reported saying that as a country, we need to work better as our productivity has for a long time lagged behind that of our rivals. The usual suspects have derided these comments as attacks on the working man, but we do need to achieve greater productivity and stop resisting more effective ways of being more productive.
The railwaymen’s strike is a good case in point where they wish to keep all ticket offices open, when it is no longer necessary to keep each office manned.
Fortunately, the Truss supporters have rallied to her side.
The Left wish to dictate our choices, often by removing them or by seeking to occupy a spurious higher ground.
Earlier this year Liz Truss was criticised for lunching a U.S. Trade Representative at a private Mayfair club. The lunch for ten people cost £1,400, which all in all doesn’t seem too bad.
If Labour was not afraid of Liz Truss, they would not try to denigrate her.
Sunak should concede the battle and let the party get on with winning the next election.
Meanwhile I voted for Liz some time ago.

Meanwhile on Planet Babergh

Just when you think that lessons have been learned, you realise that very few people pay attention to history, whether it is recent history or not.
Readers of this blog may recall that on May 3rd 2016 I posted a commentary on the then continuing saga of East House, which Suffolk County Council had handed back to Babergh who didn’t know what to do with it except to evict the tenants and leave it empty. The unfortunate history of East House is that whilst Babergh made up its mind, the market moved on and any rehabilitation/upgrading with a view to selling was rendered uneconomic.
This week’s news is that Babergh District Council are to increase the debt threshold for Babergh Growth Ltd., from £3,7 million to £7m to facilitate cash flow. The company is responsible for the redevelopment of Babergh’s former offices in Corks Lane We can assume that the cash will be flowing all one way for some time to come as the cash holdings of the company were only £61,433 at 31st March 2021.
The development is expected to realise 57 homes. Due to increased costs and impacts from Brexit, the war in Ukraine and inflation, the costs of the scheme have gone up by £680,000 over four years– which begs the question why is there an increase in borrowing powers of £3.3 million.
And now comes the prize-winning comment from the Great Leader of the Rainbow Coalitioned Council (John Ward) “Ultimately the development is still expected to break even or even show a modest profit”
Why are we undertaking a marginal project? You can almost hear echoes of “With a fair wind and a few sunny days, this time next year we could all be millionaires”
It’s time to go back to basics. The economic outlook is not good and the project needs to be reworked to bring the projections back to a reality which will give comfort to the residents that their leaders know what they are doing.

The Bildeston Melon

Scratch a Green and discover what sort of melon they are. Are they red on the inside (closet Socialist) or yellow (closet Liberal).
I’ve always had my doubts about Robert Lindsay, leader of the Greens on Babergh and a County Councillor in Suffolk.
I was not too surprised when Lindsay announced that he would have reduced Council Taxes by increasing car parking charges specifically in Hadleigh and Sudbury.
So far, as expected.
On Monday (21st Feb) the Greens at the Babergh District Council Meeting went further. Cllr Lindsay expanded on the Green ambition that if all parking was taxed appropriately the monies raised and saved could go to subsiding bus services and providing grants and other support to those businesses adversely affected by the parking regime.
So it’s in with more bureaucracy in the guise of serving the people with the additionality of opportunities for waste and corruption in money dispersal matters
So, now we see their true colours. They are not interested in global warming as such but are keen on redistributive taxes. The car parks are to be a money maker.
And what if that’s not enough? Will they advocate (like some councils) taxing parking spaces at work? Will they regard garages at home as facilitating car ownership and therefore taxable?
At District level Robert represents Bildeston and its surrounding area. Bildeston is a large village with just over 1,000 inhabitants. It also has free, maintained parking in its village square. Is this square to be monetised? Is it to be exempt? Do the villagers know Cllr Lindsay’s ambitions?
We should be told, but I don’t think we shall.

Photo © Evelyn Simak (cc-by-sa/2.0)